To help you decide whether our work is for you, we offer a free 15 minute informational only conversation where you can ask us questions about the sessions. All sessions are done as a cohesive team with both of us working in tandem for the best & highest good of all.
In the present day world, a Clarity Consultation Session can assist in giving you relief from worries, stress, and concerns about situations you have no control over. It also gives the opportunity to ‘talk’ to someone who is aware of higher perspectives & can provide direction on how to walk through the chaos and changes with clarity of vision. Through higher guidance, we present perspectives beyond 3D thinking and behaviors that can help to release stress and confusion as you navigate through the current energies.
Home & Property Clearing, Our homes can become congested with unpleasant & heavier dense energies for many reasons. We take an overall look at the area & clear the home, property, surrounding property as well as a simple clearing of the individuals who live in the home & who come into the home. This clearing can also be adapted to other situations as in clearing an office or work space or setting a space for medical procedures.
Enhanced Reiki, This type of Enhanced Reiki session goes beyond the more commonly known Reiki. The power of the two of us working on you simultaneously amplifies the session to remove density as it presents. Adding our Melchizedek Kamadon Mastery elevates the Universal directed flow of energy on a deeper quantum level.
Bloodline Clearing, As the strongest of the strong souls to incarnate at this time, we are here on the planet presently to be the representative for a line of consciousness known as our ancestral line. By those ancestors who came before us & due to our courage & strength, we have been picked as the chosen ones, meaning the ones who chose to be here now to take our lineage to the ascension finish line. We willingly accepted this task & stepped up to be the one to elevate & hold open possibilities for the lineage to clear old density, habits, repeated patterns, beliefs, baggage & thoughts at this powerful time on the cusp of ascension. YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO YOUR LINE. When the powerful work is done in this time & space by YOU, the benefits ripple through all dimensions where your ancestors are lifted with YOU & by YOU to an opened place where they can freely make their ascension choices from a higher state of consciousness.
Melchizedek Holographic Cleanse Session, this session can give you an overall multi-dimensional cleansing of debris & density taken on from the outside world which has an effect on your emotional well being, your physical body & your mental level being filled with non-serving chatter. This session can lighten the load, so to speak, by energetically giving you a thorough ‘tune up’ bringing you to a more neutral balanced state. The session also includes an energetic selected healing.
Deep Dive Quantum Healing Session, helps to remove stuck energy, blockages & pockets of density in the mental, emotional & physical bodies that could have occurred from physical injuries, excessive stress, emotional & physical trauma but also numerous other life experiences that are still playing out in other dimensional realities. Disharmony as such, can unconsciously affect your life in subtle ways resulting in you having physical tiredness, emotional imbalances, feelings of overwhelm, physical pain, illnesses, discomfort & a cycling of old disempowering patterns of behavior, including a mental level that continues to run on & on with fearful thoughts, clutter & chatter. Why does this keep happening? Why do I keep doing this? What if this happens? What if that happens & so on? The release also facilitates your access to the higher realms of consciousness whereby emotional baggage is cleared giving you new clarity of direction. By going into the cause and core throughout all realms, as well as the dimensional lives creating these disruptions, we can then address them, remove them, collapse those timelines & clear the density to assist you back to feelings of harmony, balance, power & peace within here & now. Also within the clearing & timeline collapse, is the retrieval of fragmented & scattered soul particles & the reintergration of the soul aspects & expressions associated to those collaped timelines.
A Trauma Release Session dives even deeper to specifically address intense trauma experiences from all your lives on all timelines, all planes & all dimensions. This session looks at emotional trauma, mental trauma & physical trauma from all your existences that can be hidden deeply away within & continues to affect you in this reality. Releasing these burdens helps to bring you back into a state of peace, harmony & wholeness once again. Also within the clearing & timeline collapse, is the retrieval of fragmented & scattered soul particles & the reintergration of the soul aspect associated to the timeline.
What is required from you?
What is most important is your WILLINGNESS to be ready and open to do what is necessary and allow the work to unfold for you. Your WILLINGNESS to dive deeper to transform & let go of that which no longer serves you. We are here to walk with you, empower you and assist you to open up to higher consciousness.
What are the ways you can have a session?
In person: You are physically in the room with us during your session
By Phone: We set up a session appointment time for you to call us.
Remote: By tapping into the Universal Energy Field of Consciousness, we can do a session with you, or anyone, regardless of the distance between us. We make the energetic connection without the necessity for you, or the dear one, to physically be in the room with us. The remote work is equally as powerful & offers the convenience of not having to be there with us.
Session Pricing Information:
Clarity Consultation Session (In person or by phone) 1/2 hour $33
Home & Property Clearing (Remote) $44
Enhanced Reiki (In person or remote) 1/2 hour $44 1 hour $88
Bloodline Clearing (In person, phone or remote) $55
Melchizedek Holographic Cleanse (In person, phone or remote) $90
Deep Dive Quantum Healing Session (In person, phone, or remote): 1 hour minimum $100
Trauma Release Session (In person, phone or remote) 1 hour minimum $100
We accept credit & debit cards, local checks & cash payments
Location: Downtown Post Falls, Idaho
Gift Certificates are Available and Transferable